The crowning of Miss Copperfest 2022 was held on Friday, June 10th at the Kick Off Breakfast at Copperfest grounds. Miss Copperfest received $1000, 1st Runner Up, $500, and 2nd Runner Up, $250.Miss Copperfest 2022 is Kathryn Alwin, a junior at Oconto High School, who is a lifeguard & swim instructior at the Bond Center, a Covid Tester, president of her class of 2023, a member of National Honor Society, Volleyball team, math team, Hi Q Team and a Badger Girls State Delegate. Her chamber sponsor is Oconto County Economic Development. Her plans include study in architectural engineering.
The 1st Runner Up is Eleanor Finger , a 2022 graduate of Oconto High School. She has been involved in Challenge/Advanced Placement classes, National Honor Society, 2021 Junior Prom Court, & a section leader in Choir. She was also nominated for the 2020 Wisconsin Ambassadors Music Europe Trip. She was a member of the Life Smarts Team which finished 3rd in the nation this past spring. She is also a volunteer at Abrams Spotlight Productions which is her Chamber sponsor. Her plans include Business Administration and Arts management to utilize her passion for the musical theatre in the business world. Her sponsor is Abrams Spotlight Productions.
The Second Runner Up is Hannah Moe. Her athletic interests include volleyball, basketball, track and field. She is a 2022 graduate of Oconto High school where she was a member of National Honor Society, Student Council, Band, and a recipient of the John Philip Sousa Award. Her Chamber sponsor is Cream City Country Club. Her plans are to attend UW-Oshkosh for the nursing field. Her sponsor is Cream City Country Club.
The 3 judges were Patty Heier, Mary Heiser and Kathy Hayes. The car signs for the parade were done by Vital signs, and the sashes by Main Street Creative Apparel. Other prizes and silk coronation roses were provided by Ron & Kathy Hayes. A special thank you is extended to the Chamber of Commerce sponsors: Abrams Spotlight Productions, OCEDC and Cream City Country Club. LEFT TO RIGHT: Miss Wisconsin 2021, Jennifer Schmidt; Ellie Finger, Kathryn Alwin, Emmy Reed, (Miss Copperfest 2021) and Hannah Moe.